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tame being who can break a bone when provoked

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Top 10 plus 1 Pet Peeve List

there are really some things that irritate me, in no order of irritation. here goes:

1) People who walk slowly in groups that block your pathway

2) Kung sumakay ka ng jeep, may pasahero na pumara ng 10 meters away pagkatapos lng bumaba ng isang pasahero. d Worst thing?: babayad ng hindi kambyo (say above 100 na bill) bago bumaba, expecting the exact change back.

3) Katabi mo na may B.O., confident pa!

4) Jeepneys with loud heart thumping sound system. Driver cant hear you when you call out to them. Worse?!: Baduy ang songs.

5) Peeps who interrupt what you are critically doing to talk share their stories in full volume and no substance.

6) Corny jokers,.. they're wastin my time. But kudos to a batchmate who you cant help but die laughing cuz he is born with the "Corny" disease.

7) Airheads who brag at something they dont have. Worse?!: They dont know who they're talking to: i can do better or do it best, hehe. But i dont brag back. Silent ako jan. :)

8}Someone who steps in your old shoe, with no apologies.. i love my shoes (old or new).

9)Perverts who talk about girls with no known assets. Like give 'em a female dog they'll talk about 'em too.

10)Persons who offers you a favor and immediately demands something in exchange. (For example: a smart ass invites you a lift home, after you get home safely he demands money for fuel. Worse?!: the loss of fuel on the trip really doesn't hurt him. Plus!! the ass offers chicks a free ride home anytime, anywhere.).. you must wonder if that person is doing you a favor or just taking advantage.

and finally...

11)Persons who think they are God's gift to the opposite sex. In other words: "Pamati".., what's worse?!: there is no way of telling which is their butt or face. (there are variants or strains of this type of person, I'll comment more on this on future postings)

.. more pet peeves in the future, that's all for now.


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