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tame being who can break a bone when provoked

Thursday, October 27, 2005

(True Balls)shooting

do you know what it feels when the company's communication and network depends on you??.., That's what I do. For the past 2 months I've been in the help and planning desk. I feel the job of supporting users sometimes is detrimental to planning the system in a sense that time is spent more on troubleshooting. The reward that I get is when the user smiles or expresses their gratitude when their problem is solved. Although I dont get to solve their problems all the time.
This job serves as a refresher for me and sometimes a system check, a warning of upcoming bigger problem. and Occasionally I do get the best of both worlds; planning and troubleshooting.
Everything must be done . To comfort the user that everything is goin to be ok. Venturing into the unknown when there is no ready solution. Creating a win-win solution when the user's first wish isn't feasible. Crossing my fingers before hitting the "Enter" button. Doesnt include words I mumble with a R-18 rating when I dont get the desired results.
All these things require guts. Kaya ko to'.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's' it going? During my search for business trips paris information I came across your blog.

I found it interesting, too bad I gotta look elsewhere for business trips paris info...but I'm going to bookmark your cool blog anyway.

10:59 PM  

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