baseball & d Big Unit
just Recently d red sox just won d world series in 4 against d cardinals. Baseball for me is fun to watch. It is d only sport for me where DEFENSE is more important and in the same degree,
more exciting than offense. Hats off to Randy Johnson the Big Unit, my fave player in d majors. The fiercest fastball of d game (95mph), Thanks to his height (6-10, tallest n d majors) n arms. I wonder who can hit the ball with that speed. A player with that height has d advantage of ball's release point, giving an impression of pitching much closer than d mound. The best part here is counting how many strikeouts he inflicts on batters . Hitters are at his mercy. K, K, K, K, K, K..... For those new to baseball K is the symbol for strikeout. You could have seen the face of the batter after a strikeout. hehe. A face of vulnerabilty and weakness at the hands of the Unit. vwahaha
Wish that baseball could also flourish here n d Philippines. The problem with baseball is it requires a large playing area. Much larger than basketball. I think Pinoys have a better shot on the international scene with baseball than basketball. Y? unlike basketball, baseball dont require tall and strong players which the Pinoys are not genetically gifted. In fact there are a lot of Asians in the Major League, especially japs and koreans. Chan Ho Park, Ichiro Suzuki, Hideo Nomo, Hideki Matsui all have created a storm in their respective clubs.
Better bring on the bat......