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tame being who can break a bone when provoked

Friday, October 29, 2004

baseball & d Big Unit

just Recently d red sox just won d world series in 4 against d cardinals. Baseball for me is fun to watch. It is d only sport for me where DEFENSE is more important and in the same degree,
more exciting than offense. Hats off to Randy Johnson the Big Unit, my fave player in d majors. The fiercest fastball of d game (95mph), Thanks to his height (6-10, tallest n d majors) n arms. I wonder who can hit the ball with that speed. A player with that height has d advantage of ball's release point, giving an impression of pitching much closer than d mound. The best part here is counting how many strikeouts he inflicts on batters . Hitters are at his mercy. K, K, K, K, K, K..... For those new to baseball K is the symbol for strikeout. You could have seen the face of the batter after a strikeout. hehe. A face of vulnerabilty and weakness at the hands of the Unit. vwahaha

Wish that baseball could also flourish here n d Philippines. The problem with baseball is it requires a large playing area. Much larger than basketball. I think Pinoys have a better shot on the international scene with baseball than basketball. Y? unlike basketball, baseball dont require tall and strong players which the Pinoys are not genetically gifted. In fact there are a lot of Asians in the Major League, especially japs and koreans. Chan Ho Park, Ichiro Suzuki, Hideo Nomo, Hideki Matsui all have created a storm in their respective clubs.

Better bring on the bat......

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Top 10 plus 1 Pet Peeve List

there are really some things that irritate me, in no order of irritation. here goes:

1) People who walk slowly in groups that block your pathway

2) Kung sumakay ka ng jeep, may pasahero na pumara ng 10 meters away pagkatapos lng bumaba ng isang pasahero. d Worst thing?: babayad ng hindi kambyo (say above 100 na bill) bago bumaba, expecting the exact change back.

3) Katabi mo na may B.O., confident pa!

4) Jeepneys with loud heart thumping sound system. Driver cant hear you when you call out to them. Worse?!: Baduy ang songs.

5) Peeps who interrupt what you are critically doing to talk share their stories in full volume and no substance.

6) Corny jokers,.. they're wastin my time. But kudos to a batchmate who you cant help but die laughing cuz he is born with the "Corny" disease.

7) Airheads who brag at something they dont have. Worse?!: They dont know who they're talking to: i can do better or do it best, hehe. But i dont brag back. Silent ako jan. :)

8}Someone who steps in your old shoe, with no apologies.. i love my shoes (old or new).

9)Perverts who talk about girls with no known assets. Like give 'em a female dog they'll talk about 'em too.

10)Persons who offers you a favor and immediately demands something in exchange. (For example: a smart ass invites you a lift home, after you get home safely he demands money for fuel. Worse?!: the loss of fuel on the trip really doesn't hurt him. Plus!! the ass offers chicks a free ride home anytime, anywhere.).. you must wonder if that person is doing you a favor or just taking advantage.

and finally...

11)Persons who think they are God's gift to the opposite sex. In other words: "Pamati".., what's worse?!: there is no way of telling which is their butt or face. (there are variants or strains of this type of person, I'll comment more on this on future postings)

.. more pet peeves in the future, that's all for now.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I used to sleep as early as 9pm when i was a kid. But at this age (although still a kid, hehe) I get to sleep 12midnight. yes, I do want my 8 hours of sleep every day but hell how can i achieve that without sacrificing something. What keeps me awake these days varies from finishing a PC job at home, talking to friend on the phone, or hangin out with friends. It is not necesarry that when Im with one of those moments that i am alive, or i have a 100% attention to say the least. I may be talking but my mind slowly shutting itself down. "Hey big boy! i better slow things down" says my mind but my body will not necessary follow. The result is i think slower, i can play basketball but my reflexes is not at its best. An exception to this rule is when I get to talk to someone over the phone whom i care a lot. My mind switches on (that's 100% at work) automatically when i talk to her. She might not be a cure to insomnia but an effective remedy to an empty thought.
When im deprived of sleep it shows the next day. I do catnaps to feed my brain. Those are some of the times that i regret doing something the night before. It pisses me off when im forced to get out of bed, like hey gimme a break!!.
-yawn- That's all for now.. zzzzz


With just one week before the nba season starts Im excited to see all those teams with major player acquisitions. Take for instance the Miami Heat, they really got one helluva player in Shaq. What really intrest me is the duo of Dwayne Wade & Shaq. 'Love those guard-center combos. It was since Penny-Shaq, Payton-Kemp that the NBA hasnt got an exciting duo.

And why the guard-center combo?. Strictly speaking it is a guard-high flyer combo that is exciting. The reason: alley-oop plays,. those lob - catch- slam bam - thankya ma'am that separates the league from the sissies.

Its a good thing that Shaq is now with Miami. The East will now get a huge lift from from the powerful West. The East got size now aside from those quick guards. Shaq is still the most dominant center in the NBA...